ppm+  EDD

Help for the above Column in the Ward Patient List

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EDD (Expected Date of Discharge) Column

Icon Definitions
Updating the EDD (Expected Date of Discharge) Column

EDD (Expected Date of Discharge) Column

The EDD (Expected Date of Discharged) column is used to display the Expected Date of Discharge for an inpatient:

Icon Definitions

Updating the EDD (Expected Date of Discharge) Column

To update the Expected Date of Discharge, click in the EDD cell of the patient you would like to update and the Discharge / Transfer Planning dialogue box will be displayed:

Click on the down arrow in the box next to What is the patient's Expected Date of Discahrge? to bring up the calendar:

Select the patient's Expected Date of Discharge from the calendar or you can input it yourself in the dd/mm/yyyy format:

Click on to update the Expected Date of Discharge and the new EDD will be displayed in the Ward Patient List.